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Worplesdon Primary School

Worplesdon Primary School

The Federated Schools of Wood Street Infant School and Worplesdon Primary School

Wood Street School


Music is highly valued at Worplesdon and children are taught from Reception through to year 6 using the Kodaly Singing method.  This uses singing games and rhymes to teach all the elements of music in a joyful and holistic way.  The children leave Worplesdon with a very high level of musicianship and knowledge.

Children are actively encouraged to start an instrument and join the choir and to explore the many opportunities for performance that occur throughout the school year. 

The School is also a training hub for music, and teachers from all over Surrey regularly come to observe and learn about this approach. 

Please contact Ms Baynes ( ) if you would like to find out more about how you can get involved in the musical life of our school. 

Instrumental Learning 

If you would like your child to start an instrument this term please contact the instrumental teachers directly. 

For non-Rock and Pop, lessons are billed by the teachers directly and fees are payable one term in advance:

  • Individual 20 minute lesson: £16 
  • Individual 30 minute lesson: £24
  • Groups of 2, 30 minute lesson: £14
  • Concerts: £0
  • Ensembles: £0

The school has instruments to loan at £45 a year so you don’t need to buy until your child is sure of their instrument.  Please come and talk to Ms Baynes if you have any further questions.

Instrument Teacher Email Address
Violin and Viola Mrs Symington
Piano Mrs Starr Meneely
Brass (Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn, Euphonium) Mr Nash
Woodwind (Flute, Clarinet) Jasmine Ravenhill
Oboe Ms Baynes
Drums and Guitars Rock and Pop Foundation
Rock Band Club Guildford Rock School
Cello Mrs Amanda Stratton


String Ensembles

Super strings: A senior string group run by Mrs Symington: Wednesday 9:50-10:10 in the PAC

Mini Mozarts: A junior string group run by Mrs Symington: Friday 10:10-10:30 in the PAC


Flute and Veg

Wind ensemble is run by Mrs Ravenhill on Tuesday 9:50-10:10 in the PAC


Brass Tax

Our Brass ensemble is run by Mr Nash on Thursday 9:50-10:10 in the PAC



Tuesday 3:20 Nightingales. Please contact


Thursday Rock Band

Friday Rock Bank

Run by Sam Hopper in the PAC 3:20



Our choirs have between thirty and forty children in each and rehearse each week at the following times:

  • Show choir is on Mondays 3:20-4:20 in the PAC with Miss Taylor
  • KS1 (Junior) choir is on Tuesdays 3:20-4:20 in the PAC with Miss Baynes

All the choirs are free, and are open to everyone.  

Recorder Teaching 

Recorder Groups

The two instrumental threads that go through the school music learning are Recorder and Piano.  Learning to play the recorder is such an important skill and helps children learn a wind instrument, read music and play in an ensemble.  All children in year 3 receive a recorder and this will stay with them throughout their time in school.

In year 4 children can go deeper with their recorder playing by joining the Advanced Recorder club which runs on Wednesday at 3:20-4:20 in the PAC.  Please contact Ms Baynes if you are interested.

Theory Class 

Children who have already started taking exams in their instruments (or will be in the near future) are invited to begin theory classes at Worplesdon.  We are offering this because once children reach Grade 5 on their instrument they are not permitted by the examination board to take Grade 6 unless they have their Grade 5 theory exam.

Our aim is for children to be at around Grade 1 or 2 standard in their theory by the time they leave Worplesdon.

Mrs Symington ( will be offering a Theory class before school on Fridays.  It will run every week from 8am - 8.40am and will cost £35 a term.  Classes will be held in Kestrels and children will need to come with a sharp pencil, rubber, ruler and they will need to purchase the theory workbook which is called Practice in Music Theory  Grade 1 by Josephine Koh.  This is available from for £5.99.

Students will be given a small amount of homework each week to practice the skills learnt in their lessons.  If there are any parents who would also like to learn music theory and would be willing to help as well they would be most welcome to come. 

Please visit the Clubs and Activities page for a weekly view of music clubs offered.

We are very pleased to continue to be a Surrey Arts Music Mark school for the academic year 2024-25! Please download the attached Music Mark welcome letter to read more about this.



Envis Way, Worplesdon, Guildford , Surrey GU3 3NL

01483 232126