Year 5
Welcome to Year 5. As Year 5 is part of Upper Key Stage we have very high expectations for behaviour as we are role models to the rest of the school. We have extra responsibilities such as being playground leaders and in the Summer term we support the Reception children during lunchtimes.
Who Are the Teachers
Owls |
Miss Taylor (Class Teacher) Miss Loosely |
Robins |
Mr Kennedy (Class Teacher) Mrs Goldswain |
Jackdaws |
Mr Djadali (Class Teacher) Mrs Hinchcliffe (Class Teacher) Miss Haines-Macdonald |
Important Things to Know
P.E. Kit
Our P.E. lessons are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Children need to come to school dressed in their P.E. kits, therefore they do not need to keep a P.E. kit in school. As a reminder, this is grey tracksuit bottoms (with their red shorts underneath if they wish), white P.E. t-shirt, grey jumper or school jumper with their trainers. Please avoid sending your child to school wearing earrings on P.E. days.
In line with the new Home Learning Policy, your child will receive a half termly Learning Passport.
This includes a range of activities, including some Maths and English that are set at the beginning of each half term. The teachers will set an expectation as to the number of activities to complete but it is pupil choice as to which activities are accomplished. The activities can be completed at any time during the half term; there is no weekly expectation for the activities within the learning passport. The children can bring these activities in (or photographs) whenever they are completed and they will be shared and celebrated in class.
In addition to the Learning Passport, the children are expected to complete a minimum of four signed reads per week in their reading diary and to practise their times tables up to 12 x 12.
Reading books and diaries should be in school every day. They will be checked each Monday.
The School uses a wide variety of reading schemes that directly link with the National Book band Scheme.
We expect to see four signed reads per week.
You do not have to listen to your child read and we do not specify what they are reading – just that they are reading regularly. If your child is having a difficulty with choosing books then please ask them to come and speak to one of the Year 5 team. We do not have a set day to renew or change reading books but we will give the children an opportunity to do this at several times during the week.
Please **** NO NUTS ****
Children are allowed to bring in a piece of fresh fruit or vegetables to eat at break time and are encouraged to have a bottle of water in the classroom to keep hydrated.
If there are any questions or concerns, please drop in to see the Class Teacher or leave a note in your child’s reading diary. We are here to help.
Curriculum Details
Please see the long term planning to see in detail what is taught in each term.