Summer Fair 2024

Dear Parents & Carers
We are so excited to be holding our Summer Fair on Friday 5th July, from 3.20-6.30pm. As you are aware our events cannot take place without the support of YOU lovely people - parents, carers and families!
We have a great Summer Fair team who have been busy working hard planning the event and will help with much of the pre-fair prep, and we are now appealing for volunteers who will be able to help set up (after school on the Thursday OR from midday on the Friday), working a shift at the fair (45 minute slots) and/or helping to pack away.
Each element of the fair is being led by one of our Summer Fair team; we have then allocated a year group to set up and manage them on the day - see below. We would be so grateful if you could donate some time and in return you can have a Pimms or soft drinks on us at the fair. Children are very welcome to help out too (if this enables you to volunteer); they just can't work on the Bottle Tombola.
Your class reps will be in touch soon to coordinate volunteers. If you don't have one please drop us a note directly to -
In addition, do you have a BBQ OR a pop up Gazebo that we could borrow on the day please OR are you a dab hand at spinning Candy Floss?! If you can help with any of these things please drop us an email.
Timings of when we need volunteers:
- Thursday 4th July: set up after school
- Friday 5th July: set up from midday
- Fair shifts:
- 3.15-4.00pm
- 4.00-4.45pm
- 4.45-5.30pm
- 5.30-6.15pm
- Clear away
- Fair shifts:
Thanks so much in advance for your support!
Best wishes,