Frozen Fridays are back!

Each summer our team of volunteers sell ice pops at the end of the school day, every Friday, through the last half of the summer term. Ice pops are 10p each - CASH only.
Note - Thursday 24th June and Wednesday 21st July will also be Frozen due to Friday inset and term end.
This year will be a little different so please take time to read on and familiarise yourself with the new Covid secure process.
Ice pops will be sold from two stations - one for infants and one for juniors - on the way into the school site BEFORE you collect your children. This means that we avoid contact between children from different year groups and reduce the risk of crowding. Please observe social distancing when waiting to buy your ice pops, wear a mask and follow the schools one way system. No sales will be permitted after you have collected your children.
- Juniors - at the top of the drive on the left
- Infants - at the top of the entrance area, from the caretakers lawn
- Haven - you will be contacted separately by the school staff who will manage distribution of ice pops to your children who do not follow the above collection routes.
Please have the correct change available wherever possible to be able to speed the process. Please respect our parent volunteers and their safety when making your purchase.
Many thanks for your support and enjoy the sunshine and ice pops!
PTA Chair