Smarties Challenge & PTA update

Dear All,
We hope that everyone has settled back into the school routine and the children are enjoying seeing their friends and teachers again.
Our PTA face-to-face activities continue to be affected by the pandemic, but we are hoping that come the summer term there may be an opportunity to do something more. In the meantime we’re pleased to announce that the Smarties Easter challenge will be going ahead next week! We will be sending home a tube of Smarties just before the Easter holidays for children to do jobs in the holidays to earn some money per chore. We would usually fill the Smartie tubes with 20 pence pieces per chore, but guidelines currently in place mean that we cannot collect cash at the moment. Instead we will be posting out a link where you can make donations online. The class donations will be totalled as usual and the winning class will receive a special award certificate from the PTA and a virtual Smartie Party.
In addition, please do keep using Easyfundraising and Amazon Smile for all your online purchases. Our PTA (Friends of Worplesdon School) is registered charity with both and this raises funds without any extra cost to you at all!
We are also still members of Guildford Community Lottery.
Please follow our PTA Facebook page and join the Facebook group for all the latest news!
Thanks for your continued support.